Friday, July 27, 2007

Erotic back massage

So what's erotic about a back massage? One in which you massage her insides at the same time as you massage her back. How can this be done? You just slide your cock inside her and use your hands on her back...

  1. Have the heated massage oil on-hand. The KY Touch Massage 2-in-1 Warming works well, is non-greasy, and can be warmed just by blowing on it.
  2. Use your hands to get her pussy good 'n wet (if not already) while she lays on her stomach.
  3. Slide you cock inside her.
  4. Bring her legs together, still buried inside her, and rest your knees on either side of her hips.
  5. Slide in as deep as you can go in this position. Be careful not to put too much weight on her legs. You don't want them falling asleep from lack of circulation.
  6. Begin massaging her back with the oil. As you work your way up and down her back rock a bit throughout the motions (this may happen as a natural effect) so that your cock massages her insides at the same time.
All of this of course requires that you stay rigid through the whole thing. So if you don't think you can stay aroused while doing this and still want to do an erotic massage, just use your hands on everything. :)

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